Variables Simplified: Immutable Variables in Power Automate and Power Apps

In today’s blog, we’re diving into a key concept that will fundamentally change the way you approach variables in Power Automate and Power Apps: immutable variables. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey with Microsoft’s Power Platform, understanding when and how to use immutable variables can significantly improve both performance and code clarity. This post builds on concepts demonstrated in the accompanying video (see below), where we go beyond the basics to show you practical applications, performance benefits, and best practices. But first, let’s discuss why this matters and what you’ll learn from this.

Why Should You Care About Immutable Variables?

When working in Power Automate and Power Apps, we often declare variables with the expectation that they may change throughout the workflow or app session. But what if these values remain constant? What if we’re needlessly consuming resources and cluttering our logic by using mutable variables when we could streamline everything with immutable ones?

Here’s what you’ll gain from understanding and implementing this technique:

  • Better Performance: Using fewer API calls and actions by consolidating multiple variable definitions into a single compose action or record.
  • Cleaner Code: Simplify your workflows and apps by reducing unnecessary mutable variables, making your solutions more readable and maintainable.
  • Consistent Data: Immutable variables help ensure data integrity, making your logic less prone to errors caused by unexpected changes.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this blog, you’ll have a deep understanding of:

  • How to replace multiple variable actions with a single compose action in Power Automate, saving API calls and making your workflows more efficient.
  • How to create name formulas in Power Apps to use as immutable records, ensuring that certain values remain consistent throughout the app’s lifecycle.
  • Techniques for making your expressions more readable, even when working with complex data structures.
  • When and why to use Parse JSON in Power Automate for cleaner, more flexible workflows without adding unnecessary overhead.

The Real-World Application

Now, here’s the video that walks you through step-by-step how to implement immutable variables in both Power Automate and Power Apps, with real-world examples that will help you streamline your solutions:

In the video, I demonstrate how to handle variables for things like a user’s name, age, height, and more. We explore both mutable and immutable options, showing how you can cut down your actions in Power Automate from four variable declarations to a single, immutable object. In Power Apps, we do the same by leveraging Power FX and name formulas to create immutable records.

Why This Approach Matters

Think about it: if the values in your app or flow are never going to change, why waste resources making them mutable? Every time you define a mutable variable, you’re not only using additional API calls but also creating extra cognitive load for anyone reading or maintaining your work. Using immutable variables simplifies this.

In Power Automate, a compose action can replace multiple variable declarations. You can build complex objects that store strings, integers, and booleans in one action rather than four. Similarly, in Power Apps, using name formulas with records ensures that your values remain constant, providing one source of truth throughout the app.

Benefits Recap

  • Efficiency: Fewer API calls and actions improve your workflow performance.
  • Readability: Clean, straightforward code is easier to understand and maintain.
  • Data Integrity: Immutable variables ensure that data doesn’t change unexpectedly, avoiding potential bugs.

By leveraging immutable variables, you create solutions that are not only faster and cleaner but also more future-proof.


Shifting your mindset to favoring immutability when appropriate will elevate the quality of your workflows and apps in Power Automate and Power Apps. Watch the video, try out the examples yourself, and see how much easier and more efficient your processes can become. And remember, using immutable variables isn’t just about saving a few API calls—it’s about building better, more maintainable solutions.

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