As an admin, you will only know too well, that if a user deletes a flow, you will need to raise a call with Microsoft to restore that flow to Power Automate. Until May 2022 that is, when the Restore-AdminFlow cmdlet was released. There are...
Continue reading...Powershell
Teams External Guest User Cannot Access Files
Invited an external guest to teams and they cannot access the files? Maybe you need a SharePoint admin to take a look? Let me show you where.
Continue reading...PowerShell Get List of Members from O365
Quite a short post really. Have you ever needed or wanted to get a list of members for an O365 Group? Then I have a simple PowerShell for that. Use the Get-UnifiedGroup CMDLet and if your sites are prefixed like mine, filter on the DisplayName....
Continue reading...Power Automate meets PowerShell in Azure
I never knew how this worked or that it even existed until I attended the Global Automation Bootcamp today and saw demos by both Ben Stegink and Jaap Brasser who gave me the confidence to try building a PowerShell Azure Runbook which can be called...
Continue reading...Changes to Stream Storage Location
Change is on the way to the Storage Location of your Stream recordings. Historically these would be available via the Stream portal but for some and soon for all, Stream recordings will be diverted to OneDrive for Business. Details of which are here. If this...
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